
At the RMS Foundation we can offer you the following services in the area of coating testing:

Services for coatings

Thickness of coatings:
  • Non-destructive coating thickness measurement by means of eddy current method (DIN EN ISO 2316) and magnetic inductive method (DIN EN ISO 2178). Thus, the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on steel and iron (Fe) as well as of non-conductive coatings on all metals can be measured. The measuring method allows a layer thickness determination in a measuring range of 0 - 2000 µm (Fe) or 0 - 1200 µm (metals). With a measuring stand, precise and pinpoint measurement is possible even on small samples.
    Fischer Dualscope FMP20

    Contact: Thomas Imwinkelried
  • Preparation of a transverse section. The thickness of one or more layers can be determined using a microscope (EN ISO 1463) and / or scanning electron microscope (SEM).

    Contact person: Moritz Liesegang
Surface of coatings:
Composition of coatings:

Thickness of coatings (several µm):

Thin coatings (sub-µm):

  • XPS, with depth profile if necessary

Multilayer systems:

  • SEM-EDX at cross sections
  • XPS at oblique sections



Optical coating thickness measurement

Description: Measurement of local thicknesses of metal and oxide layers by examination of cross-sectional areas using a light microscope with image documentation.
  • EN ISO 1463
Equipment: Leica DMI 5000 M light microscope with Jenoptik Gryphax Naos camera and IMS image management system

Contact:  Moritz Liesegang +41 32 644-2003



Coating thickness measurement


Non-destructive coating thickness measurement using eddy current method (DIN EN ISO 2316) and magnetic inductive method (DIN EN ISO 2178). Thus, non-magnetic coatings on steel and iron (Fe) as well as non-conductive coatings on all metals can be measured. The measuring method allows coating thickness determination in a measuring range of 0 - 2000 µm (Fe) or 0 - 1200 µm (metals). With a measuring stand, precise and pinpoint measurement is possible even on small samples.

  • DIN EN ISO 2316 
  • DIN EN ISO 2178
Equipment: Fischer Dualscope FMP20



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