Laser diffraction for particle size distribution

System: Beckman Coulter LS 13320

The size distribution of passing particles can be determined with a laser diffraction measurement. Depending on the particle size, the monochromatic laser light is diffracted to a greater or lesser extent. The characteristic, ring-shaped intensity distribution is detected by numerous detectors and converted into a particle size distribution using a physical model (according to Mie or Fraunhofer). Dry powders and granules can be measured with the Dry Powder System (DPS). For suspensions, the Universal Liquid Module (ULM) is used which has additional polarization detectors.

Useful tips:

Suitable samples: The requirements for the sample material differ for the two measuring modules. Spherical particles are most suitable, fibers and platelets are unsuitable.
Sample specifications:
  • Sample quantity for a triple measurement DPS (≈30 cm3), ULM (≈1 g)
  • Dry Powder System (DPS): 0.4 – 2000 µm
  • Universal Liquid Module (ULM): 0.04 – 2000 µm


  • all technical areas where the size distribution of particles plays a role (e.g. powder metallurgy, coatings, 3D printing, etc.)


  • ISO 13220
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